WolfSinger Publications
Don't Write What You Know;
Write What You Care About -- Passionately!

Search for the Any Key
- edited by Dana Bell

This will be mostly action/adventure, but can be placed in any time period, on other planets or any type of setting. All genres accepted and may contain humor, drama, romance, etc. Diverse characters welcome, human or otherwise.
The catch – no traditional keys accepted. If the characters don’t find the key, that’s okay.
Example – on a certain TV show, characters were searching for forgiveness and the key to enter was tears of regret. Another film had a key as part of a puzzle box which opened several artifacts.
Please think outside the box when writing these stories. The Why of the search is the most important point.
ALL writers are encouraged to submit. Doesn’t matter if you’re a pro with years of credits, a beginner just starting out, or a teenager – please feel free to send the editor a story. In your cover email, please tell the editor a bit about yourself and a quick one-line synopsis of the story. Include genre. If experimental, please explain the type or how so the editor doesn’t edit out the form or reject it out of hand.
In the Subject line please put Submission: Search Any Key - Title of story and author name.
Attach as a .rtf, .doc or .docx file. Anything else will be returned for reformatting.
Send to: editor@wolfsingerpubs.com
Submissions Open: May 1, 2025 (DO NOT SUBMIT PRIOR TO THIS DATE)
Submissions Close: Aug 29, 2025
Release Date: Early 2026
Payment: $15.00 plus equal share of 50% of the anthology’s royalties.
No fan fiction, shared universes, or continuing serials. PG-13 rating. All sex off screen. No gore, erotica, fan fiction, extreme or bloody violence, rape, harm to children or animals. Hell/damn okay, S**T borderline and F word will get the story rejected. Invented cuss words will be allowed. Faith, any type, is fine if important to the character and not preachy.
Stories must be formatted in Times Roman, 12 pt., double spaced with indents for paragraphs. Numbers must be written out unless they are an exception to the rule, for instance gun types. Dashes only for emphasis and used sparingly. Visit https://www.wolfsingerpubs.com/standard-formatting for more information on our formatting requirements. Any manuscripts submitted incorrectly will be rejected.
No simultaneous submissions. No Reprints. No AI assisted or written pieces will be accepted.
IMPORTANT: On the first page of the story please include: Name, mailing address, phone number, email, organizations the author belongs to, if applicable and approx. word count. If using a pen name, please include that information.
In the cover email, please include word count, a one-line synopsis of the story and one or two sentences about the submitting writer, or up to a short paragraph. Nothing longer. If part of Realm Makers, Superstars or Creative Writers United, please include as part of the requested information. If we have met at a convention, please include that as well.
All writers encouraged to send stories whether published or not.
Bios will be required if your story is accepted. Please write them in third person. Approximate length under 250 words.