WolfSinger Publications
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The Dark See
- M.R. Williamson

Book 3: The Moleskin Cap
As Helen Durkin's journey to find out about herself continues, she finally realizes she needs the help of someone with more knowledge than dwarves, elves, or even dragons. But, just how do you approach the old Wizard Andsell Phagan?
As she tries to solve that problem, yet another dangerous situation presents itself. This mysterious person is no friend of the Phagan family. And, Helen quickly finds herself on a collision course with a halfling who most refer to as Scar--one who dabbles in the dark side of magic.
With this added pressure, the effort to approach and perhaps train under Andsell Phagan intensifies. As time progresses, an old friend comes to her aid and presents the young girl's plight to Andsell. Now, the race is on and the old Dragon Pragamore takes the lead in Helen's plight.
Will Helen finally find out why the Faes are calling her Bright Helen?
What of Pragamore? Will his years keep him from helping?
And who is Scar really after--Helen, the old wizard, or Pragamore?

Watch for the next book in this series

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Part 1
The Return of James Torrance
Staring into the eyes of a Dragon, only a breath away, would intimidate most anyone, human or not. But, somehow, Helen remained more curious than afraid. Perhaps it was one of the visions she had when she first touched the dragon, only moments ago. In what she eventually considered, a quick glimpse into the future, she was certain she was flying with the dragon in the dead of night and over some vast body of water. But when she leaned over and looked down at the water just a few yards below, the only reflection she could see in the lake was that of the dragon.
Quickly backing from the huge animal, she instantly rubbed her eyes and then watched Pren tighten the cinch on the dragon’s saddle. But for Helen, everything right now was excitedly new as the smelly, leather saddle old Phagan’s daughter was working on. But even that wasn’t as exciting and intimidating as the creature now only a few steps away and he was now looking right at her. Just like a little bird staring into a great snake’s eyes, she froze as she saw her reflection in his great, black pupils. Then, in the blink of an eye, she was back above the moonlit waters again with the wind rushing through her hair. The moon and countless stars, on a background of black velvet, seemed to be both above as well as below her. Leaning to her left, she looked along the neck of the great animal, but could not find the horizon.
~ * ~
“Helen!” a loud voice, that seemed to echo around in her head, called.
Helen rubbed her face and looked at Pren, standing right in front of her. The wind was gone, as well as the lake and the night.
“Are you all right?” Borack Cliffspring asked. The red-haired senior dwarf of Phagan’s Rift looked closely at her expression. His dark eyes mirrored the smile under his walrus-like mustache.
“I…I think so,” Helen managed to say, brushing her shoulder-length, blonde hair behind her left ear. “I think I just had a dream. I was already on Pragamore. It was dark and we were flying over a huge body of water.” She looked at Pren. “I don’t usually have dreams, especially in broad daylight.”
Quickly looking about the huge, russet barn, Helen could tell she was still standing quite close to the stairway leading down to where the old wizard and his daughter, Prentis lived. The Rift, was a two-level home built by the Dwarves for the Wizard Phagan. Cut directly into the crevasse of a cliff overlooking Lake Horn, it was located at the western edge of the forests of Dragon’s Haunt, considered the home of the last Dragons of Whitestone Castle.
Helen’s gaze slowly found its way to Borack. His smile widened, a gesture instantly reflected in his big, blue eyes.
“All right,” Helen grumbled. “What’s going on? Was it a dream or wasn’t it? Who’s playing games with my mind?”
“Who but a wizard?” Pragamore said softly accompanied by a silent nod from Borack.
“I believe it’s called the ‘Dark See’, My Lady,” Borack said. It’s jus’ somethin’ wizards are able ta do now and then. “This bein’ your first ride, I believe the Old One is tryin’ ta help ease the blow as it were.”
“Indeed,” Pren agreed, still smiling at Helen. “In his humble way, I believe he was, encouraging you. Did you enjoy it?”
“Very much,” Helen amitted. “Why would he do that?”
“Why?” Pren laughed. “Who can understand the mind of a Wizard? As Borack said, perhaps he sought to encourage you. Now, let’s see what you think of the real thing.”
Helen looked toward Borack. He was standing next to the first stirrup of the saddle and holding out his hand toward her.
“You’ll no regret it, My Lady,” he said softly, with that same, friendly smile. “Just hold tight ta the saddle bar in front of you until ya learn ta relax a bit,” he added.