WolfSinger Publications
Don't Write What You Know;
Write What You Care About -- Passionately!
Sample Contracts
Author's Publication Contract with WolfSinger Publications
This agreement between XXX ("Author") and WolfSinger Publications is for licensing of publishing rights to the Work known as XXX. The author warrants they have legal authority to grant the license explained below.
WolfSinger Publications has scheduled the work to be released in XXX.
If the work is not published by XXX – this contract is considered void, and all rights revert back to the author.
A. The Author hereby represents and warrants to Publisher that:
1. The Work is free and clear of any counts of libel, plagiarism, breach of privacy or misrepresentation of facts.
2. The Work does not infringe upon any copyright or proprietary right, common law or statutory law, and does not contain material of libelous nature. The Work is not in the public domain and the Author is the sole owner and copyright holder of the Work with full power to enter into this contract. If the Work has been previously published in the whole of in part, the Author currently holds all copyright to the Work and is legally permitted to enter into this agreement.
2a. The Author acknowledges that the Work is not available as a free download anywhere on the Internet nor is it available from the Author's website.
3. The Author releases Publisher from any responsibilities relating to any legal actions incurred by the contents of the Work or the Author.
B. The Author grants to Publisher the following rights:
1.a. The right to publish the Work in all English language print and e-book editions of the Work.
1.b. The Publisher shall not alter the Work’s text or title without the Author’s prior written approval. The Publisher reserves the right to make minor copy editing and/or formatting changes to conform the style of the text to its customary usage.
2.a. This contract shall remain in effect for a minimum of 5 years from the royalty period of first publication of the Work, which is to be no later than XXX. Books are taken out of print at the end of the royalty period in which the contract is set. (Books published in Jan-June will be taken out of print in June of the expiration year. Books published in July-Dec will be taken out of print in Dec of the expiration year.) As long as the Work is generating sales the Work will remain in print. If after 5 years there is a period where 2 royalty periods pass consecutively with no sales then the Work will be taken out of print at the end of the next royalty period. (For example: The Work generates no sales during the 1st half of 20xx or in the 2nd half of 20xx then the Work will be taken out of print as of 30 June 20xy)
2.b. After the initial 5 year period has passed – the author shall have the option to request the Work be taken out of print by contacting WolfSinger Publications in writing (email is acceptable) to make the request. Please note books are still taken out of print at the end of the royalty cycle when the request is made. Authors must contact WolfSinger Publications at least 45 days prior to the end of the royalty period to request the book be released and taken out of print that cycle; otherwise it will be at the end of the next royalty cycle.
3. The Publisher has the right to contract with distributors, bookstores, vendors, organizations and or outlets to sell the Work in association with the Publisher's name.
4. All rights not specifically mentioned in this contract are reserved to the Author.
5. Right of First Refusal: The Author shall offer any related Works to the Publisher before pursuing other publication avenues. “Related works” being other works within a/the series. The Publisher does not have to accept the Work presented for publication; at which time the Author shall be welcome to pursue other publication avenues.
C. Compensation and sales.
1a. The author will receive a $75.00 payment for the rights outlined in section B. The listed amount is in addition to royalties earned by the Work.
1b. The Work will begin to earn royalties after it has earned back advances paid to the author.
1c. Royalties will be earned based on the following:
For print books – royalties will be equal to 10% of the cover price.
For electronic books – royalties will be equal to 40% of the cover price.
​For foreign sales – royalties will be equal to 5% of the US cover price for print and 20% of the US cover price for electronic books.
2. Statements will be issued semi-annually for the period of January 1st to June 30th and July 1st to December 31st of each year this agreement is in force, within sixty (90) days of the end of each period indicated above.
3. Payments to the author will be made twice a year based on earnings received 1 January - 30 June and 1 July - 31 December. Statements and payments will be issued within ninety (90) days of the close of the statement period. As all payments are made through PayPal - payments will be made once owed amounts exceed $5.00.
4. If Publisher shall, during the existence of this Agreement, default in the delivery of statements, or in the making of payments as herein provided (unless due to a good-faith dispute between the parties), this Agreement shall terminate at the expiration of such thirty (30) days without prejudice to the Author’s claim for any monies which may have accrued to the Author under this Agreement or to any other rights and remedies to which the Author may be entitled.
5. Author copies: The Author will receive one complimentary copy of the Work as well as the ability to purchase additional copies from the publisher at a 50% discount. Copies purchased at the Author discount will be credited toward earn-out; but will not count toward royalties.
D. Copyright infringement
1. In the event of an infringement of the rights granted under this agreement the Publisher, WolfSinger Publications and the Author shall have the right to sue jointly for the infringement and after deducting the expenses of bringing the suit to share equally in any recovery.
E. Assignment:
1. WolfSinger Publications may at any time sell itself, or the majority of itself, its holdings, or licenses, with notice to the Author. Current contracts would transfer to the new owner.
F. Bankruptcy:
1. If WolfSinger Publications is legally judged bankrupt or liquidates/closes its business, this contract shall be terminated immediately, and all rights granted to Publisher shall be terminated.
G. Author's name:
1. Publisher shall have the right to use the approved Author's name, photo, any cover art (owned by the Author) and approved biographical material for the purpose of advertising, publishing and promoting the Work.
H. Cover Art:
1. All cover art produced by WolfSinger Publications or by any employee of WolfSinger remains the property of the Publisher. The author has the option to purchase the cover art from the publisher for the "market value" reasonably determined by the publisher at any time.
1a. WolfSinger Publications does grant to Author the right to use the cover art in promoting the work. ie. .To have bookmarks produced, to be placed on Author's website, etc. for as long as this agreement is in effect. The right is revoked if the Author or Publisher cancel this agreement, unless the Author purchases the rights to the cover.
2. The Publisher has sole discretion and artistic license to design, layout and implement any and all cover art or artwork and is under no obligation to obtain permission from the Author before release.
3. Author is welcome to submit cover art of their choosing for approval by the Publisher to be used as cover art for the work. If accepted by the Publisher, the author warrant’s they have full rights to use the art for their work and they are able to grant the publisher license to use the art in promoting the work.
J. Audio Book Addendum:
I have reviewed the included audio book addendum and chose to:
____ Accept this addendum to the standard contract.
____ Not accept this addendum to the standard contract.
This contract and audio addendum, if accepted, constitutes the entire agreement between the Author and Publisher and may not be altered or amended except by written instruments agreed upon by both parties.
This agreement between XXX ("Author") and WolfSinger Publications is for licensing audio rights to the Work known as XXX. The author warrants that s/he has legal authority to grant the license explained below.
This addendum to the original contract allows WolfSinger Publications to produce an audio book version of the work. The Author also agrees that this addendum constitutes an extension of the original contract. All versions of the Work will remain in ‘print’ and both contracts will remain in effect for an additional 7 years after the release of the audio book. (Unless otherwise agreed).
The Author will receive an additional ‘advance’ payment of $25.00 for this addendum to the primary contract.
For audio books – royalties will be equal to 5% of the cover price.
Anthologies (Author)
This agreement between XXX ("author") and WolfSinger Publications is for licensing of one-time anthology rights covering the Work known as XXX. The author warrants they have legal authority to grant the rights explained below.
WolfSinger Publications intends to publish the work in XXX. If the work has not been published by XXX then all contracted rights to the Work automatically revert to the author.
The author will receive a $15.00 advance payment for the right to use the Work in all English language print and e-book editions of the Anthology. The listed amount is an advance against a share of fifty percent of royalties from sales of XXX received by WolfSinger Publications from all editions of the Anthology. The fifty percent share allocated to contributors shall be distributed in proportion to the number of stories in the Anthology.
Royalties will be earned based on the following:
For print books – royalties will be equal to 10% of the cover price.
For electronic books – royalties will be equal to 40% of the cover price.
​For foreign sales – royalties will be equal to 5% of the US cover price for print and 20% of the US cover price for electronic books.
XXX will begin to earn royalties after the title has earned back advances paid to authors.
All rights not specifically mentioned in this contract are reserved to the author.
This contract shall remain in effect for a minimum of 5 years from the royalty period of first publication of the Anthology. Books are taken out of print at the end of the royalty period in which the contract is set. (Books published in Jan-June will be taken out of print in June of the expiration year. Books published in July-Dec will be taken out of print in Dec of the expiration year.) As long as the book is generating revenue the Anthology will remain in print. If after 5 years there is a period where 2 royalty periods pass consecutively with no sales then the Anthology will be taken out of print at the end of the next royalty period. (For example: The Anthology generates no sales during the 1st half of 20xx or in the 2nd half of 20xx then the Anthology will be taken out of print as of 30 June 20xy)
Payments to authors will be made twice a year based on earnings received 1 January - 30 June and 1 July - 31 December. Statements and payments will be issued within ninety (90) days of the close of the statement period. As all payments are made through PayPal - payments will be made to authors once individual amounts exceed $5.00.
___ This story is a reprint and 1st appeared in: ________________________________________
___ This story is an original submission and has not previously appeared in print. I acknowledge that WolfSinger Publications is requesting a 6 month exclusive after publication before I seek to have my story reprinted in another publication. WolfSinger Publications acknowledges this is a request and not binding on the author.
Author copies: Each contributor will receive one complimentary electronic copy of the Anthology as well as the ability to purchase print copies at a 50% discount off the cover price. Copies purchased at the author discount do not count toward royalty earnings.
Charity Anthology (Author)
This agreement between XXX ("author") and WolfSinger Publications is for licensing of one-time anthology rights covering the Work known as XXX. The author warrants they have legal authority to grant the rights explained below.
WolfSinger Publications intends to publish the work in XXX. If the work has not been published by XXX then all contracted rights to the Work automatically revert to the author.
The author will receive a $20.00 flat payment for the right to use the Work in all English language print and e-book editions of the Anthology. The author understands that eighty-five percent (85%) of all sales (excluding sales at the 50% author discount) of XXX will be donated to XXX charity as designated in the call for submissions.
All rights not specifically mentioned in this contract are reserved to the author.
This contract shall remain in effect for a minimum of 5 years from the royalty period of first publication of the Anthology. Books are taken out of print at the end of the royalty period in which the contract is set. (Books published in Jan-June will be taken out of print in June of the expiration year. Books published in July-Dec will be taken out of print in Dec of the expiration year.) As long as the book is generating revenue to be sent to the charity it has been designated for the Anthology will remain in print. If after 5 years there is a period where 2 royalty periods pass consecutively with no sales then the Anthology will be taken out of print at the end of the next royalty period. (For example: The Anthology generates no sales during the 1st half of 2030 or in the 2nd half of 2030 then the Anthology will be taken out of print as of 30 June 2031)
Payments to the charity will be made twice a year based on earnings received 1 January - 30 June and 1 July - 31 December. Statements and payments will be issued within ninety (90) days of the close of the statement period.
___ This story is a reprint and 1st appeared in: ________________________________________
___ This story is an original submission and has not previously appeared in print. I acknowledge that WolfSinger Publications is requesting a 6 month exclusive after publication before I seek to have my story reprinted in another publication.
Author copies: Each contributor will receive one complimentary electronic copy of the Anthology as well as the ability to purchase print copies at a 50% discount off the cover price. Copies purchased at the author discount rate will not count toward earnings for the charity.
Anthology (Editor)
This agreement between ("editor") and WolfSinger Publications is for licensing of publishing rights covering the Anthology known as xxx. The editor warrants they have legal authority to grant the rights explained below.
WolfSinger Publications has scheduled the anthology to be published in XXX.
The editor will receive a $50.00 advance payment. This amount will be split equally between co-editors. The listed amount is an advance against a share of fifty percent of royalties from sales of XXX received by WolfSinger Publications from all editions of the Anthology.
If the editor has also included one of their own stories in the Anthology – they will not receive an additional payment for the use of the Work. Also, the editor will not be included in the author count for author royalties.
Royalties will be earned based on the following:
For print books – royalties will be equal to 10% of the cover price.
For electronic books – royalties will be equal to 40% of the cover price.
For foreign sales – royalties will be equal to 5% of the US cover price for print and 20% of the US cover price for electronic books.
XXX will begin to earn royalties after the title has earned back advances paid to authors.
This contract shall remain in effect for a minimum of 5 years from the royalty period of first publication of the Anthology. Books are taken out of print at the end of the royalty period in which the contract is set. (Books published in Jan-June will be taken out of print in June of the expiration year. Books published in July-Dec will be taken out of print in Dec of the expiration year.) As long as the book is generating revenue the Anthology will remain in print. If after 5 years there is a period where 2 royalty periods pass consecutively with no sales then the Anthology will be taken out of print at the end of the next royalty period. (For example: The Anthology generates no sales during the 1st half of 20xx or in the 2nd half of 20xx then the Anthology will be taken out of print as of 30 June 20xy)
Payments to editors will be made twice a year based on earnings received 1 January - 30 June and 1 July - 31 December. Statements and payments will be issued within ninety (90) days of the close of the statement period. As all payments are made through PayPal - payments will be made to authors once individual amounts exceed $5.00.
Contributor copies: Each contributor will receive one complimentary electronic copy of the Anthology as well as the ability to purchase print copies at a 50% discount off the cover price. Copies purchased at the author discount do not count toward royalty earnings.